Manuscript Categories

Research Article: Full papers are complete reports of original research of high scientific quality that have not previously been published. Full paper contains all experimental details. New, significant, innovative and original findings are suitable as Research papers.
Communications: Short Communications are short reports of preliminary research findings and findings must be of great significance and urgency, and must contribute to the development or further development of an important area of research. A short Experimental section may be included. It includes preliminary data or studies that did not provide enough information for a Research paper.
Reviews: Reviews are summaries of significant recent research work and new developments from the research group of the principal author. The main part of the review should be a comprehensive but critical analysis of recent (last three to five years) developments, current problems, and future directions.


The authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts as per the instructions/specifications given below:-


Manuscripts for original research papers should have the following headings:

1. Title
2. Author's name(s) & address(es)
3. Abstract
6.Experimental Section
7.Results and Discussion
8.Conclusion (optional)
9.Acknowledgements (optional)
11. Supplementary Material Available(optional)


Title Must be informative, specific and short and not exceed 150 characters. Title must be in bold face and capital case having a font size and font style of 16 pt and Times New Roman respectively. It must be followed by one empty line.


The full name(s) of the author(s) and full postal address (es) of the institutions where the research was done should appear below the title. Names should not be prefixed or suffixed by titles or degrees. Author name must be in normal face and sentence case having a font size and font style of 14 pt and Times New Roman and address must be in normal face and sentence case having a font size and font style of 12 pt and Times New Roman. Use the symbols 1, 2, 3, etc., as superscripts to relate the authors to the corresponding address and an asterisk (*) to indicate the author(s) to whom correspondence should be addressed. Maximum 6 authors should be allowed. At the bottom left corner of the title page, please mention *Corresponding Author and provide full corresponding address with designation, functional e-mail address and phone no.


Abstract shoud start on a new page and should be typed in single-space. Abstract should describe the essential aspects of the investigation. It should be about 200-250 words. It must be followed by one empty line.


A maximum of 5 key words must be given at the end of the Abstract.


This part should define the background and significance of the study by considering the relevant literature, particularly the most recent publications. It must be followed by one empty line.


This section should start as a continuation to introduction on the same page. This section may be divided into subsections if it facilitates better reading of the paper. It should contain information about the materials and the methods used to carry out the experimental work like animals, chemicals and animal ethical committee approval number, software used and procedures followed etc. The procedure adopted should be described in sufficient detail to allow the experiment to be interpreted and repeated by the readers, if necessary. Procedural detail that has been published previously should be referred to by citation. The nomenclature, the source of material and equipment used, with details of the manufacturers in parentheses, should be clearly mentioned. Chemical compounds should be named according to IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts. The units and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units. For meter (m), gram (g), kilogram (kg), second (s), minute (m),hour (h), mole (mol), liter (l), milliliter (ml), microliter (μl). A zero has to be used before a decimal. Names of plants, animals and bacteria should be in italics.It must be followed by one empty line.


This segment should focus on the fulfillment of stated objectives as given in the introduction. All results based on methods must be included. Results should be described as concisely as possible in one of the following ways: text, table(s), or figure(s). Discussion should start with limited background information and then proceed with the discussion of the results of the investigation in light of what has been published in the past, the limitations of the study, and potential directions for future research. It must be followed by one empty line.


A brief Conclusions section is desirable, but not essential. It must be followed by one empty line.


It may briefly include acknowledgement of assistance from: 1) contributors that do not warrant authorship; ii) technical help; and iii) Material support. It must be followed by one empty line.


References should be cited in the text in Arabic numerals in superscript. The references should be cited at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the text. References Should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). If more than five authors, the first three shall be listed followed by et al. Use complete name of the journal for non-indexed journals. Avoid using abstracts as references.